Friend and fellow author Heather McCollum is starting a Facebook campaign to spread the word about the warning whispers of Ovarian Cancer, which she is currently battling with courage and grace.
You can learn about the signs and symptoms here and "like" her page here.
Shout Against the Whisper
I really want to support her effort, so if you do, let me know here or on my Facebook page by Sunday night.
I'm giving away a signed book from my back list to somebody!
Two years ago I had a total hysterectomy. The doctor didn't think it was cancer but he stressed that they had to run test after surgery to be sure. I got lucky and the tests were negative. I feel for anyone who has to battle cancer but I can't imagine ovarian cancer. I know my hormones were all over the place before my surgery and it was very uncomfortable. I wish your friend all of the luck in the world. I hope she goes into remission and stays that way. I liked her page and left a comment. This is important information for all women to know.
As so many people say, "Knowledge is power." If you don't know what to look for, you could miss something important and lose that chance to fix it. I have "liked" her page and passed it on to some friends. If you need contact info, it's AquarianDancer at gmail dot com.
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