We have a winner! Actually, we have SIX!
The Gail Parkins Memorial Ovarian Cancer Walk raised over $311,000 for Ovarian Cancer Research. Heather’s OC Warriors came in fifth out of one hundred teams for the most money raised – something that couldn’t have happened without your support of Critiques for Heather.
So, Go, Team!!! Thank you so much for supporting Heather’s OC Warriors and the SHOUT Against the Whisper campaign!
Today I picked the winning ticket numbers by random number generator. They are:
WINNER Andrea Wenger – critique by or coffee with Katharine Ashe
WINNER Connie Nelsen – critique by Abby Gaines
WINNER Leslie Nuccio – critique by or coffee with Virginia Kantra
WINNER Michelle Flye – critique by or coffee with Emilie Rose
WINNER Lori Keizer – critique by Cynthia Cooke
WINNER Lisa Vallani – critique by Cindy Holby/Kassy Tayler
Again, thanks to everyone who contributed to the cause!
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month!
For more information, please visit and like Heather's
SHOUT Against the Whisper Campaign on Facebook
Do it for yourself! Do it for the ones you love!